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1. Blessed is the man // that walketh not in the counsel / of the . un- / godly: Nor standeth in the way of sinners, // nor sitteth in the / seat . of the / scorn-/ful. 2. But his delight is in the / law . of the / Lord: And in his law doth he / medi.tate / day and / night. 3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the / rivers . of / water: That bringeth forth his / fruit . in his / sea-/son. 4. His leaf also / shall not / wither: And whatsoever he / doeth . shall pros-/per. 5. The ungodly / are not / so: But are like the chaff which the / wind / driveth . a-/way. 6. Therefore the ungodly shall not / stand . in the / judgment: Nor sinners in the congregation / of the / righteous. 7. For the Lord knoweth the / way . of the / righteous: But the way of the un-/godly . shall per-/ish. Glory be to the Father /and . to the / Son, and / to / the Holy / Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be: World / without / end, A-/men.