In 2019 I became very much interested in the fact that there were many works on the subject of paedobaptism/communion which have fallen out of print and contemporary memory; perhaps merely because of a lack of general interest, or perhaps some other work covered the same ground. Whatever the case, this work published in 1856 by a Scottish Presbyterian minister caught my attention and I could not find a modern printing readily available or even old manuscripts easily acquired. Seeing as it wasn’t a very long book and it’s contents had been scanned into the internet archive I reproduced it for more ready consumption by any who might be interested along with a biography of the author, enjoy.
(I am certain that there are more than a few formatting and editing errors, if you find one please let me know.)
Infant Baptism, Its Nature and Objects by James Lumsden D.D.
The questions regarding the mode and subjects of Baptism, though the more ordinary and prominent, are not the only ones which the discussion of this topic involves. Even after these are settled, there remains the not less important inquiry, What is the use or meaning of Baptism, especially of Infant Baptism? What good purpose does it serve? What spiritual benefit does it confer?

This Tract was drawn up by the appointment of the Free Presbytery of Arbroath; and having been read as a Presbyterial exercise at their last meeting, it is now, in a slightly extended form, published at their request. The object was simply to provide a statement which might aid parents in understanding the nature and obligations of Baptism, and thus contribute to their acceptable and profitable observance of the sacrament when administered to their children. - Rev James Lumsden, D.D. July 18, 1856